Craving Carnations

Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance
Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance
Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance
Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance
Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance
Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance
Craving Carnations- Enchanting Elegance

Every now and then, a girl wants to feel like the belle of the ball, decked in her most fabulous frock and glittering with jewels. What a night out that would be! To create that feeling for everyday wear, enter the fabulous fit-and-flare floral printed dress, made for the special occasion of simply being you. The dress from Chicwish fits true to size, but I should note, it needs to be steamed many times. I steamed mine twice and still had sneaky creases sticking around. Never the less, the vintage fit simply makes me swoon with nostalgia and truly feel like the belle of the ball whenever I slip into it. Another notable feature of the dress comes in the meaning and symbolism carnations have, namely focusing on fascination, distinction, and love. Dark red symbolizes specifically love and affection.

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xo, Amanda