Simple pleasures

Ava’s Garden

Good morning and a very happy Friday, friends! This post has been three months in the making and I couldn’t wait to share it with everyone. This year, my dad and I finally got the garden back into shape that my late husband and I had started when we were married. It was something we both loved to work on, though back in the day we had only grown vegetables. We loved seeing the veggies grow and then use them in our cooking and salads. This year, I decided to use half of the garden for flowers and the other half for vegetables. 

Ava was excited with the mention of getting the garden going and then being able to watch all of her hard work come to fruition. She helped my dad and I plant all of the initial flowers and vegetables and then would help me water them each night. In July, Ava decorated a Peppa Pig stone we found at Target and placed in the garden on the vegetable side. Her first harvest came towards the end of July with some kale, squash, and a pepper. About one week ago, all of the wild flowers we planted were finally ready to be cut and put into vases. Her second harvest was just yesterday. 

 Having a garden is a fantastic idea if you have kids. It teaches them the rewards of hard work and also gets them outdoors. It’s pretty much a win-win situation for everyone involved! Each time I use one of the vegetables from the garden, I make sure to tell Ava that she grew it. That all of her hard work paid off. She loves to look at the flowers in their vases and say, “oh they’re so pretty” when she sees them. 

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Cheers!!  

xo, Amanda