
Simple Pleasures

Tea Time and Macarons

Tea time and macarons

Mornings have always been one of my favorite times of the day. The fresh new clean feeling, the endless amount of possibilities that could occur, and the grateful sense of knowing I have made it another day. One morning activity I quite adore is to sit back, while after having my breakfast, to take a moment to enjoy a simple pleasure of mine, tea and macaron cookies. Albeit, this is not an everyday occurrence, but that makes it more special when it does. These little darlings became popular in France and soon made their way state side. While I cannot get the little cookie locally, only bigger cities seem to have them in Pennsylvania, I treasure the ones I do have the chance to acquire. Light and airy with either a creme or jelly center, macarons have become a new favorite of mine, not to mention how pretty they look! I also like to get my little sweet treat out of the way in the morning so I have the rest of the day to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to make up for it. Remember, moderation is key.

tea time and macarons

Benefits of Green Tea

Every morning I look forward to drinking mint green tea. It not only soothes and calms, but gets me ready for the day ahead. This tea comes jam packed with health benefits and also contains less caffeine than black tea or coffee. As someone who becomes too jittery with caffeine this tea wins my stamp of approval. Looking to try a new morning pick me up? Look no further than green tea and reap the rewards. Trust me, your body will thank you later on. A little added bonus, by squeezing a citrus juice into your tea, I use lemons, this boosts the power of the antioxidants and keeps them in the body longer.

green tea       amandabrezovsky.com
  • Contains the highest amount of antioxidants of any tea
  • Polyphenols have been shown to decrease tumor growth. Drinking green tea over long period of time has also been shown to decrease multiple cancers.
  • Prevents dental cavities
  • Lowers stress levels
  • Reduces risk of heart disease
  • Naturally cleans teeth and freshens breath
  • Improves arthritis by reducing inflammation throughout the body
  • Can help in weight loss by increasing metabolism
  • The catechins in the tea give your immune system a big boost by creating an antibacterial state within the body. This helps in preventing sickness and disease.
  • Great for skin due to its high content of antioxidants and inflammatory properties.
  • Spritz some green tea onto the face to draw out impurities and get a gorgeous glow
  • Steep the tea for 15 minutes and allow to cool for a few hours. Rinse hair with it and allow to sit for about 10 minutes. Make sure to shampoo and condition afterwards as normal. This gives lack luster hair a boost of shine.
green tea      amandabrezovsky.com